วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

5 Great Beginner Guitar Solos For Anyone Keen to Be the Lead Guitarist

If you're playing the guitar for the first time and haven't quite grasped the basics, the truth is that you shouldn't even be thinking of taking on guitar solos at all. If you are starting completely from scratch, what you need to learn first are the basic open chords that are the bread and butter to playing any song in the world. Then you need to understand the rhythm and how to strum according to suit different genres of songs.

The pressure as the lead guitar can be heavy as you are expected to drive the band forward with what you play. If you cannot even take on that pressure, how then can you play the lead guitar. You need to master all of the basics before attempting guitar solos. Once you've done all that and are confident enough of yourself, then maybe you can consider taking on beginner guitar solos for the lead guitar.

So what is a guitar solo? A guitar solo is essentially a passage in a song where the lead guitar basically becomes free to express himself (sometimes in a semi-berserk way) by playing either a fixed or improvised in the song where all attention is focused on him. This is usually done by playing improvising along a certain scale with notes that fit in but at the player's behest.

The key to a great solo is for the player to tell a story through his solo - it is as good as his voice. This is the part where every rock star wannabe dreams of - the moment of fame and glory. As mentioned above, you won't be able to start playing guitar solos straightaway but once you've mastered the basics, you can try fooling around with your lead guitar and trying different variations, licks and fills. Below I will list a 5 great beginner guitar solos to learn lead guitar.

1) Stairway to Heaven

This legend hit is a great beginner guitar solo to start with on the lead guitar and is fairly easy given the slow tempo but pay attention to the dynamics and be sure to do your best in conveying emotion and sentiment through your playing.

2) Hotel California

Nothing more to be said about this runaway hit; just remember to do a rendition that gives it the respect it is due.

3) November Rain

This great song by Slash is always a good beginner guitar solo to try out on the lead guitar; have fun playing around with it.

4) Freebird

This 1974 classic hit is simple and easy to learn; use it to practice improvising your guitar solos and you'll do just great.

5) Pachelbel Canon in D (Rock)

This great guitar solo to learn on the lead guitar was made famous by a musician aficionado who performed it to perfection on Youtube. It is by no means an easy song to master but it is sure one to impress because of its moderately insane tempo and the movement that your fingers have to cover.

One of the best places to learn how to play the guitar really well is through online guitar lessons. Learn what are some of best guitar courses available for free at http://www.how-to-learn-guitar.com today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nick_Andersen

