วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Thrash Metal Guitar Lessons

Do you have the metal gene in you? Does the sound of heavy metal set your heart on fire? Do you want to be the next thrash metal star? If your answer is "Yes" to all these questions, then it's time to master the thrash metal guitar lessons. Picking techniques make all the difference while playing trash metal and these lessons will help you enhance your picking skills greatly.

The first lesson that you should learn is to choke up your guitar picking style. Make a few adjustments till your fingers feel comfortable grasping your guitar pick. The more closer you choke on your guitar pick, the more power and control you will experience while playing the guitar. But choking up on the guitar pick needs practice. Apart from this, you have to be patient with yourself. Maintain a positive approach and you will be playing some real good metal trash.

Next, you must master fingering techniques while playing your metal guitar. You must focus only on moving your fingers and wrist and not your whole hand. Continue practicing till you feel your fingers and wrists move freely down the frets of your guitar. In the course for creating those sizzling effects, you will have to do quite a lot picking. That means you will really have to improve your speed as well. Don't worry too much about speed in the beginning; it will come with practice. Remember the most important factor is consistency! The rest will follow.

Apart from improving your speed and playing techniques, the size of your guitar pick also matters. Every individual will have his or her own preferences regarding the guitar pick size. Select an appropriate pick size that suits your playing style and technique. Guitar picks come in several shapes and sizes. Select one that suits your playing style and comfort level. This in turn will help you to improve your speed and picking techniques.

Thrash metal guitar playing is slightly different from other forms of metal music. In heavy metal and death metal, the locrian scale is particularly important and music theory will help one understand those genres better. However, in thrash music, guitar techniques are more important than anything else.

Another most important guitar aspect is the double picking technique when it comes to learning thrash metal guitar lessons. If you have not started double picking techniques, start immediately. Double picking comprises of striking the guitar string while pushing it down and again while coming up again. This technique once mastered with practice, produces a balanced effect while playing thrash metal. So, implement these tips and play some real amazing thrash metal music! Happy learning!

Check Out Thrash Metal Guitar Lessons Today. You Can Learn How to Play the Guitar At GuitarPlayerWorld.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Gian

