วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Clean a Guitar - 4 Quick Instrument Cleaning Tips

If you're a constant-playing guitarist, you know there comes a time where you're going to have to clean a guitar one way or the other. The body doesn't shine anymore, the strings are sticky, and the tailpieces look grimy and gross.

It's not a fun task most of the time, but cleaning a guitar of your own can elongate the life-span of the instrument and just make it look great. Check out these cleaning tips in order to give your guitar more life.

* Scrub into the details of your tailpiece.

If you don't pay much attention to your guitar hardware, you'll notice how much grime builds up over time. It's an irritating task but with so much dirt, only a small sponge or old toothbrush can really do the job. When you're done, it'll feel a lot better running your hands across it for your next palm-muted section.

* Household olive oil is good for your fret board.

If thinking about how to clean a guitar just feels like a chore, do just a little bit at a time when it's convenient. When it comes time to change your strings, wipe down the frets in between each string with an old rag and some olive oil. This will make your neck smooth and shimmer in the light.

* Greasy hands make greasy strings.

Most of the time, the way to keep a guitar clean is to prevent it from getting too dirty. If you're strings feel grimy, it may be because you ten to jam right after having some dinner. Wash your hands off and you'll keep your strings drier and better for optimum playing speed.

* Make your guitar body shine again with some glass cleaner.

For beginning guitarists that don't know where to start when cleaning a guitar, they sometimes get roped into paying for expensive cleaning polishes at their local music store. Usually, for such expensive polishes they're not worth the money.

If you use a household glass cleaner instead, you won't see much of a difference. Just spray some on a rag and rub down your guitar until it shines.

I honestly don't like cleaning my guitar, but helping to keep your guitar playable for longer periods is a very positive thing to me. If you want your instrument to last longer and stay reliable, care for it and keep it clean.

For more tip on how to clean a guitar and other fast guitar tips, visit How To Guitar Tune.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kyle_Hoffman

